The venture studio days
provide you with input and
working time to push your
Fintech solution further.

Key Activities

Our venture studio activities process enable founders and their teams to develop
bankable solutions that attract investment.

Benefits for Fintech Startups

16 Week-Long Studio & Coaching

The venture studio days provide you with input and working time to push your business idea further. The coaching guarantees that you're on the right track.

Dedicated Coaches & Experts

Our coaches are at your disposal during the scheduled coaching sessions as well as for selected virtual and/ or face-to-face sessions.

Launch, Finance & Manage your Business

Hands-on training and expertise on how to launch, finance and manage your business is guaranteed.

Build your solution & Business Model

We will assist you through a process of creating your business model development and ensuring it is sustainable.

Customer Acquisition & Productivity tools

Using the right tools in daily work makes you and your team much more productive - we provide you with a well selected toolbox.

Business & Professional Networking

Gain access to our network fintech industry, academia, civil society organisations, private sector and public administration agencies.

Sales & Communication skills

Having an idea is one thing - selling it to customers and investors is another. Improve your selling techniques.

Startup Business Festival & Hackathon

Startup Business Festival, a premier startup ecosystem event that seeks to make entrepreneurship fashionable and attainable. The hackathon allows you to develop your tech solution over a 72 hour period working with like-minded individuals.

Exchange with Peers

A network of like-minded people provides guidance in your work - join our local fintech revolution movement!

Community & Alumni Network

Building a living Pan African entrepreneurial ecosystem. Candidates will be given life-time access of our community of changemakers.

Matchmaking & Innovation Brokering

Access to markets and world class technologies is a critical ingredient for success. Candidates will be matched with enablers such as corporate partners, sponsors and investors.

Shared Office Space

The office provides an ideal space for creative work, exchange and events. It is at your disposal throughout the programme and beyond.

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